* Form "event.scx"
* C:\PROGRAM FILES (X86)\ABAQUE\FICSAMPLES\FICTUTO\PROGS\FORMS\EVENT.SCX.SRC (included in c:\program files (x86)\abaque\ficsamples\fictuto\fictutobs.exe)
* (1,193 lines before localization)
* ========================================================================================================================

PUBLIC oevent_scx

SET CLASSLIB TO ab\aw\samples\fic\classe\ficsample.vcx ADDITIVE


*-- Form: event_scx (ab\aw\samples\fic\fictuto\progs\forms\event.scx)
*-- ParentClass: ficfrm (ab\aw\samples\fic\classe\ficsample.vcx)
*-- BaseClass: form
*-- Time Stamp: 05/20/22 12:46:06 PM

DEFINE CLASS event_scx AS ficfrm

  Height = 383
  Width = 800
  DoCreate = .T.
  Caption = "Controls & Events"
  _memberdata = [<VFPData><memberdata name="wremoveobject" display="wRemoveObject" type="method"/><memberdata name="waddobject" display="wAddObject" type="method"/><memberdata name="cchangetabulbysixspace" type="method" display="cChangeTabulBySixSpace"/><memberdata name="clickframepage" type="method" display="clickFramePage"/><memberdata name="settooltip" type="method" display="setToolTip"/></VFPData>]
  wbswidth = 2
  Name = "event_scx"
  cntOK.opgStyle.optClassic.Value = 1
  cntOK.opgStyle.optClassic.Left = 0
  cntOK.opgStyle.optClassic.Top = 0
  cntOK.opgStyle.optClassic.Name = "optClassic"
  cntOK.opgStyle.optBS.Left = 0
  cntOK.opgStyle.optBS.Top = 30
  cntOK.opgStyle.optBS.Name = "optBS"
  cntOK.opgStyle.Left = 3
  cntOK.opgStyle.Top = 33
  cntOK.opgStyle.Name = "opgStyle"
  cntOK.cmdOK.Top = 2
  cntOK.cmdOK.Left = 79
  cntOK.cmdOK.Name = "cmdOK"
  cntOK.imgSrce.Left = 84
  cntOK.imgSrce.Top = 35
  cntOK.imgSrce.Name = "imgSrce"
  cntOK.imgHelp.Left = 88
  cntOK.imgHelp.Top = 70
  cntOK.imgHelp.Name = "imgHelp"
  cntOK.Top = 7
  cntOK.Left = 672
  cntOK.Width = 124
  cntOK.Height = 155
  cntOK.TabIndex = 2
  cntOK.Name = "cntOK"
  waitpic.ZOrderSet = 0
  waitpic.Name = "waitpic"
  lblFiC.Height = 15
  lblFiC.Top = 361
  lblFiC.TabIndex = 3
  lblFiC.ZOrderSet = 9
  lblFiC.Name = "lblFiC"
  lblTime.Height = 15
  lblTime.Top = 361
  lblTime.TabIndex = 4
  lblTime.Name = "lblTime"

  ADD OBJECT tutoinfoboxserver AS ficebxevent WITH ;
    Anchor = 44, ;
    Height = 166, ;
    Left = 382, ;
    TabIndex = 5, ;
    ToolTipText = "FoxInCloud Application Server executes these events", ;
    Top = 187, ;
    Width = 408, ;
    ZOrderSet = 1, ;
    Name = "tutoInfoBoxServer"

  ADD OBJECT tutoinfoboxclient AS ficebxevent WITH ;
    Anchor = 134, ;
    Height = 166, ;
    Left = 10, ;
    TabIndex = 6, ;
    ToolTipText = "Client Browser executes these events", ;
    Top = 187, ;
    Width = 369, ;
    ZOrderSet = 2, ;
    Name = "tutoInfoBoxClient"

  ADD OBJECT tutolblclient AS ficlbl WITH ;
    FontBold = .T., ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 10, ;
    Anchor = 6, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Events processed by Browser (client)", ;
    Height = 17, ;
    Left = 10, ;
    Top = 170, ;
    Width = 369, ;
    TabIndex = 7, ;
    ZOrderSet = 3, ;
    Name = "TutoLblClient"

  ADD OBJECT tutolblserver AS ficlbl WITH ;
    FontBold = .T., ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 10, ;
    Anchor = 44, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Events processed by VFP (FiC App. Server + App.)", ;
    Height = 17, ;
    Left = 382, ;
    Top = 170, ;
    Width = 408, ;
    TabIndex = 8, ;
    ZOrderSet = 4, ;
    Name = "TutoLblServer"

  ADD OBJECT pgf AS myficpgf WITH ;
    ErasePage = .T., ;
    MemberClassLibrary = ..\..\..\classe\ficsample.vcx, ;
    PageCount = 4, ;
    Anchor = 15, ;
    Top = 12, ;
    Left = 12, ;
    Width = 649, ;
    Height = 151, ;
    TabIndex = 1, ;
    ZOrderSet = 5, ;
    wlactivepagecolors = .T., ;
    wcpropsave = "ActivePage,Width,Height", ;
    Name = "pgf", ;
    Myficpag1.Caption = "Controls", ;
    Myficpag1.ToolTipText = (Iif(wlWeb(), [Right-clicking me won't fire browser's default context menu!], [])), ;
    Myficpag1.Name = "pag1", ;
    Myficpag2.Caption = "Composites", ;
    Myficpag2.wcpropsave = "Enabled", ;
    Myficpag2.Name = "pag2", ;
    Myficpag3.Caption = "Grid", ;
    Myficpag3.Name = "pag3", ;
    Myficpag4.Caption = "Others", ;
    Myficpag4.Name = "pag4"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.shpstate AS ficshp WITH ;
    Top = 47, ;
    Left = 397, ;
    Height = 63, ;
    Width = 105, ;
    Anchor = 28, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Curvature = 10, ;
    SpecialEffect = 0, ;
    BorderColor = RGB(128,128,128), ;
    ZOrderSet = 0, ;
    Style = 3, ;
    Name = "shpState"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.chkhide AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 89, ;
    Left = 404, ;
    Height = 16, ;
    Width = 87, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 88, ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Hidden", ;
    TabIndex = 8, ;
    ZOrderSet = 1, ;
    Name = "chkHide"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.chkro AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 74, ;
    Left = 404, ;
    Height = 16, ;
    Width = 90, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 88, ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Read-only", ;
    TabIndex = 8, ;
    ZOrderSet = 2, ;
    Name = "chkRO"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.chke AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 58, ;
    Left = 404, ;
    Height = 16, ;
    Width = 72, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 88, ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Enabled", ;
    Value = 1, ;
    TabIndex = 8, ;
    ZOrderSet = 3, ;
    wcssclassadd = "fs-5", ;
    Name = "chkE"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.cmd AS ficcmd WITH ;
    Top = 79, ;
    Left = 517, ;
    Height = 37, ;
    Width = 121, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 28, ;
    Picture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\word_2013_32.png", ;
    DownPicture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\excel2013_32.png", ;
    DisabledPicture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\standby32.png", ;
    Caption = "Command Button", ;
    TabIndex = 10, ;
    PicturePosition = 1, ;
    PictureMargin = 4, ;
    PictureSpacing = 2, ;
    ZOrderSet = 4, ;
    Name = "cmd"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.cbo2 AS ficcbo WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 41, ;
    RowSourceType = 1, ;
    RowSource = "1,2,3,4,5", ;
    Height = 21, ;
    Left = 299, ;
    Style = 2, ;
    TabIndex = 4, ;
    Top = 6, ;
    Width = 79, ;
    ZOrderSet = 5, ;
    Name = "cbo2"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.txt AS fictxt WITH ;
    OLEDragPicture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\textbox.bmp", ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Height = 21, ;
    Left = 30, ;
    TabIndex = 1, ;
    Top = 7, ;
    Width = 166, ;
    ZOrderSet = 6, ;
    Name = "txt"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.ebx AS ficebx WITH ;
    OLEDropMode = 1, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 7, ;
    Height = 81, ;
    Left = 30, ;
    TabIndex = 2, ;
    Top = 32, ;
    Width = 166, ;
    ZOrderSet = 7, ;
    Name = "ebx"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.lst AS ficlst WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 15, ;
    RowSourceType = 1, ;
    RowSource = "6,7,8,9,10", ;
    Height = 79, ;
    Left = 207, ;
    TabIndex = 5, ;
    Top = 32, ;
    Width = 173, ;
    ZOrderSet = 8, ;
    Name = "lst"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.spn AS ficspn WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 8, ;
    Height = 24, ;
    Left = 548, ;
    TabIndex = 7, ;
    Top = 11, ;
    Width = 89, ;
    ZOrderSet = 9, ;
    Name = "spn"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.txtdate AS fictxt WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 10, ;
    Anchor = 8, ;
    Alignment = 3, ;
    Value = (DateTime()), ;
    Format = "D", ;
    Height = 23, ;
    Left = 397, ;
    TabIndex = 6, ;
    Top = 13, ;
    Width = 106, ;
    ZOrderSet = 10, ;
    wldatepicker = .T., ;
    value_ = (Date()), ;
    Name = "txtDate"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.chkg AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 39, ;
    Left = 517, ;
    Height = 35, ;
    Width = 121, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 8, ;
    Anchor = 88, ;
    Picture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\word_2013_32.png", ;
    DownPicture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\excel2013_32.png", ;
    DisabledPicture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\standby32.png", ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "CheckBox", ;
    Value = 1, ;
    Style = 1, ;
    TabIndex = 9, ;
    PicturePosition = 1, ;
    PictureMargin = 4, ;
    ZOrderSet = 11, ;
    Name = "chkG"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.cbo0 AS ficcbo WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 131, ;
    RowSourceType = 1, ;
    RowSource = "1,2,3,4,5", ;
    Height = 21, ;
    Left = 207, ;
    TabIndex = 3, ;
    Top = 6, ;
    Width = 85, ;
    ZOrderSet = 12, ;
    wlhtml5placeholder = .F., ;
    wbscctlante = .NULL., ;
    Name = "cbo0"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag1.lblstate AS ficlbl WITH ;
    Anchor = 24, ;
    BackStyle = 1, ;
    Caption = " State", ;
    Height = 14, ;
    Left = 405, ;
    Top = 40, ;
    Width = 48, ;
    BackColor = RGB(255,255,255), ;
    Name = "lblState"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.cmg AS ficcmg WITH ;
    ButtonCount = 3, ;
    Anchor = 165, ;
    Height = 94, ;
    Left = 272, ;
    Top = 17, ;
    Width = 119, ;
    TabIndex = 3, ;
    Name = "cmg", ;
    Ficcmd1.Top = 7, ;
    Ficcmd1.Left = 9, ;
    Ficcmd1.Height = 25, ;
    Ficcmd1.Width = 100, ;
    Ficcmd1.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficcmd1.Anchor = 672, ;
    Ficcmd1.Caption = "Button 1", ;
    Ficcmd1.ZOrderSet = 0, ;
    Ficcmd1.Name = "cmd2", ;
    Ficcmd2.Top = 34, ;
    Ficcmd2.Left = 9, ;
    Ficcmd2.Height = 25, ;
    Ficcmd2.Width = 100, ;
    Ficcmd2.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficcmd2.Anchor = 672, ;
    Ficcmd2.Caption = "Button 2", ;
    Ficcmd2.ZOrderSet = 1, ;
    Ficcmd2.Name = "cmd1", ;
    Ficcmd3.Top = 62, ;
    Ficcmd3.Left = 9, ;
    Ficcmd3.Height = 25, ;
    Ficcmd3.Width = 100, ;
    Ficcmd3.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficcmd3.Anchor = 672, ;
    Ficcmd3.Caption = "Button 3", ;
    Ficcmd3.ZOrderSet = 2, ;
    Ficcmd3.Name = "cmd3"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.opg AS ficopg WITH ;
    ButtonCount = 3, ;
    Anchor = 135, ;
    Height = 94, ;
    Left = 12, ;
    Top = 17, ;
    Width = 119, ;
    TabIndex = 1, ;
    wcssclassadd = "fs-5", ;
    Name = "opg", ;
    Ficopt1.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt1.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt1.BackStyle = 0, ;
    Ficopt1.Caption = "Option 1", ;
    Ficopt1.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt1.TabIndex = 1, ;
    Ficopt1.Top = 12, ;
    Ficopt1.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt1.Name = "opt1", ;
    Ficopt2.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt2.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt2.BackStyle = 0, ;
    Ficopt2.Caption = "Option 2", ;
    Ficopt2.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt2.TabIndex = 2, ;
    Ficopt2.Top = 38, ;
    Ficopt2.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt2.Name = "opt2", ;
    Ficopt3.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt3.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt3.BackStyle = 0, ;
    Ficopt3.Caption = "Option 3", ;
    Ficopt3.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt3.TabIndex = 3, ;
    Ficopt3.Top = 63, ;
    Ficopt3.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt3.Name = "opt3"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.opgg AS ficopg WITH ;
    ButtonCount = 3, ;
    Anchor = 165, ;
    Height = 94, ;
    Left = 142, ;
    Top = 17, ;
    Width = 119, ;
    TabIndex = 2, ;
    Name = "opgG", ;
    Ficopt1.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt1.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt1.Picture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\accept16.png", ;
    Ficopt1.PicturePosition = 1, ;
    Ficopt1.PictureMargin = 3, ;
    Ficopt1.Caption = "Option 1", ;
    Ficopt1.Height = 25, ;
    Ficopt1.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt1.Style = 1, ;
    Ficopt1.Top = 7, ;
    Ficopt1.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt1.Name = "opt1", ;
    Ficopt2.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt2.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt2.Picture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\ff16.png", ;
    Ficopt2.PicturePosition = 1, ;
    Ficopt2.PictureMargin = 3, ;
    Ficopt2.Caption = "Option 2", ;
    Ficopt2.Height = 25, ;
    Ficopt2.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt2.Style = 1, ;
    Ficopt2.Top = 34, ;
    Ficopt2.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt2.Name = "opt2", ;
    Ficopt3.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficopt3.Anchor = 240, ;
    Ficopt3.Picture = "..\..\..\..\..\..\graphics\safari16.png", ;
    Ficopt3.PicturePosition = 1, ;
    Ficopt3.PictureMargin = 3, ;
    Ficopt3.Caption = "Option 3", ;
    Ficopt3.Height = 25, ;
    Ficopt3.Left = 14, ;
    Ficopt3.Style = 1, ;
    Ficopt3.Top = 61, ;
    Ficopt3.Width = 90, ;
    Ficopt3.Name = "opt3"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.pgf AS ficpgf WITH ;
    ErasePage = .T., ;
    PageCount = 2, ;
    Anchor = 45, ;
    Top = 17, ;
    Left = 407, ;
    Width = 227, ;
    Height = 94, ;
    TabIndex = 4, ;
    Name = "pgf", ;
    Ficpag1.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficpag1.Caption = "Page1", ;
    Ficpag1.Name = "pag1", ;
    Ficpag2.FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Ficpag2.Caption = "Page2", ;
    Ficpag2.BackColor = RGB(200,200,200), ;
    Ficpag2.Name = "pag2"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.pgf.pag1.cbo AS ficcbo WITH ;
    Anchor = 161, ;
    RowSourceType = 1, ;
    RowSource = ",1,2,3,4,5", ;
    Height = 24, ;
    Left = 14, ;
    Top = 19, ;
    Width = 174, ;
    Name = "cbo"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag2.pgf.pag2.txtdate AS fictxt WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 10, ;
    Anchor = 8, ;
    Alignment = 3, ;
    Value = (DateTime()), ;
    Format = "D", ;
    Height = 23, ;
    Left = 59, ;
    TabIndex = 6, ;
    Top = 19, ;
    Width = 106, ;
    ZOrderSet = 10, ;
    wldatepicker = .T., ;
    value_ = (Date()), ;
    Name = "txtDate"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd AS ficgrd WITH ;
    ColumnCount = 3, ;
    Anchor = 15, ;
    DeleteMark = .F., ;
    Height = 84, ;
    Left = 10, ;
    Panel = 1, ;
    RecordSource = "myGridCursor", ;
    RowHeight = 20, ;
    ScrollBars = 2, ;
    Top = 29, ;
    Width = 623, ;
    Name = "grd", ;
    Ficgrc1.HeaderClassLibrary = ..\tutosets.prg, ;
    Ficgrc1.HeaderClass = "ficGrh", ;
    Ficgrc1.ControlSource = "", ;
    Ficgrc1.Width = 150, ;
    Ficgrc1.Name = "grc1", ;
    Ficgrc2.HeaderClassLibrary = ..\tutosets.prg, ;
    Ficgrc2.HeaderClass = "ficGrh", ;
    Ficgrc2.ControlSource = "", ;
    Ficgrc2.Width = 150, ;
    Ficgrc2.Sparse = .F., ;
    Ficgrc2.Name = "grc2", ;
    Ficgrc3.HeaderClassLibrary = ..\tutosets.prg, ;
    Ficgrc3.HeaderClass = "ficGrh", ;
    Ficgrc3.ControlSource = "", ;
    Ficgrc3.Width = 200, ;
    Ficgrc3.Sparse = .F., ;
    Ficgrc3.Name = "grc3"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc1.txt AS fictxt WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Left = 729, ;
    Top = 67, ;
    Name = "txt"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc1.grh AS ficgrh WITH ;
    Caption = "Header column 1", ;
    Name = "grh"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc2.cmd AS ficcmd WITH ;
    Top = 27, ;
    Left = 24, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Caption = "Command", ;
    Name = "cmd"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc2.grh AS ficgrh WITH ;
    Caption = "Header column 2", ;
    Name = "grh"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc3.cbo AS ficcbo WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    RowSourceType = 1, ;
    RowSource = "1,2,3", ;
    Left = 41, ;
    Style = 2, ;
    Top = 39, ;
    BackColor = RGB(255,255,255), ;
    Name = "cbo"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.grd.grc3.grh AS ficgrh WITH ;
    Caption = "Header column 3", ;
    Name = "grh"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.chkacs AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 5, ;
    Left = 12, ;
    Height = 17, ;
    Width = 158, ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Allow Cell Selection", ;
    Name = "chkACS"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag3.ficcmddelete AS ficcmd WITH ;
    Top = 7, ;
    Left = 497, ;
    Height = 17, ;
    Width = 135, ;
    caption_en = "Delete row", ;
    caption_fr = "Effacer la ligne", ;
    caption_es = "Borrar fila", ;
    caption_de = "Zeile löschen", ;
    caption_it = "Elimina riga", ;
    caption_pt = "Excluir linha", ;
    Name = "FiCcmdDelete"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.lbl AS ficlbl WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    WordWrap = .T., ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Label with .Caption wrapped into lines (this.WordWrap = .T.)", ;
    Height = 58, ;
    Left = 11, ;
    Top = 22, ;
    Width = 162, ;
    ZOrderSet = 7, ;
    Name = "lbl"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.lin AS ficlin WITH ;
    Anchor = 10, ;
    Left = 203, ;
    Top = 10, ;
    Width = 150, ;
    Name = "lin"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.shps AS ficshp WITH ;
    Top = 46, ;
    Left = 203, ;
    Height = 64, ;
    Width = 66, ;
    Anchor = 135, ;
    BorderStyle = 4, ;
    BorderColor = RGB(128,255,0), ;
    Name = "shpS"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.img AS ficimg WITH ;
    Anchor = 520, ;
    Picture = "..\bitmaps\myimage.png", ;
    Stretch = 1, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Height = 80, ;
    Left = 407, ;
    MousePointer = 15, ;
    Top = 5, ;
    Width = 219, ;
    wcpropsave = "BorderStyle", ;
    whoverpicture = "myimagefade.png", ;
    Name = "img"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.shpr AS ficshp WITH ;
    Top = 46, ;
    Left = 287, ;
    Height = 64, ;
    Width = 66, ;
    Anchor = 41, ;
    BorderWidth = 4, ;
    Curvature = 24, ;
    BorderColor = RGB(255,0,0), ;
    wcpropsave = "Top,Left,Width,Height", ;
    Name = "shpR"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.chk AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 92, ;
    Left = 12, ;
    Height = 17, ;
    Width = 155, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "En/Dis able page 2", ;
    Value = 1, ;
    Name = "chk"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.pgf.pag4.lbla AS ficlbl WITH ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Alignment = 2, ;
    BackStyle = 0, ;
    Caption = "Clickable Label", ;
    Height = 16, ;
    Left = 407, ;
    Top = 98, ;
    Width = 219, ;
    ZOrderSet = 7, ;
    Name = "lbla"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.cntok.chkuienable AS ficchk WITH ;
    Top = 100, ;
    Left = 2, ;
    Height = 25, ;
    Width = 121, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    Anchor = 28, ;
    Alignment = 0, ;
    Caption = "log .UIenable()", ;
    Value = .F., ;
    ControlSource = "thisForm.lUIenable", ;
    Style = 1, ;
    wbscolno = .T., ;
    wcssclassadd = "hidden-xs", ;
    Name = "chkUIenable"

  ADD OBJECT event_scx.cntok.cmdclear AS ficcmd WITH ;
    Top = 128, ;
    Left = 43, ;
    Height = 24, ;
    Width = 80, ;
    FontName = "Consolas", ;
    FontSize = 10, ;
    Anchor = 12, ;
    Caption = "CLEAR", ;
    TabIndex = 6, ;
    ToolTipText = "Clear event reports", ;
    ZOrderSet = 10, ;
    wbscolno = .T., ;
    Name = "cmdClear"

  PROCEDURE wreadme
    lparameters cLangUser
    cLangUser = Evl(Evl(m.cLangUser, m.this.wcLangUser), cLangUser())

    * remove '.F. && ' whenever a translation is available

    local lcImg
    lcImg = Textmerge([<img class="img-responsive" src="<<Iif(thisForm.wBSlHTMLgen, '.', '')>>./images/eventTracking.png">])

    do case
    case .F. && m.cLangUser = 'fr' && copy-paste this block to support another language
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3

    case .F. && m.cLangUser = 'de' && copy-paste this block to support another language
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3

    case .F. && m.cLangUser = 'es' && copy-paste this block to support another language
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3

    case .F. && m.cLangUser = 'it' && copy-paste this block to support another language
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3

    case .F. && m.cLangUser = 'pt' && copy-paste this block to support another language
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3

    otherwise && default: English
      text to result noshow textmerge flags 1 && pretext 3
    This demo shows how FoxInCloud processes the events implemented in the VFP form and its members.
    ALL events <sup>(1)</sup> of thisform.pageFrame of and its members are implemented into a simple method that writes the control's base class and method full address into a list. This is similar to SET EVENTTRACKING ON in VFP debugger, selecting all events and watch the events report in the debugger window:
    For simplicity, all events are delegated to a form class method thisForm.eventHandler() using BindEvent() (you can see this code in menu > source code > ficSample.vcx > ficFrm class).
    Note: this behavior is intended for this demo, <b>NOT a standard behavior</b>; in real-life applications, only the events having code somewhere in the object'
s hierarchy are implemented.
    By default, FoxInCloud implements 'surface' events such as .MouseMove() in the browser - that's what appears in the <b>left list</b>.
    All the other events are implemented on the server; when running in Web mode, the standard JavaScript program FoxInCloud.js traps the user events and sends them together with the object address through AJAX to the FoxInCloud Application Server (FAS).
    Here is the <a href="event_scx.js" target="_blank">generated JavaScript</a> where these events are implemented.
    FoxInCloud Application Server (FAS) just executes the corresponding event method of the corresponding VFP object.
    The event delegate thisForm.eventHandler() adds the event characteristics (.baseclass, name.Event()) to the <b>right list</b>.
    At the end of the request, FAS identifies the changes occurred in the form UI during the event execution, and sends back the corresponding UI update orders to the browser (the contents of the <b>right list</b> is part of the changes sent back to the browser).
    When receiving this response back from FAS, FoxInCloud.js just updates the display using the HTML DOM and CSS directives.

    <i><sup>(1)</sup> except a few events such as Paint, Init, Load, Unload, Destroy</i>


    return m.result && testing

    lParameters void_reminder_to_call_DoDefault_in_your_subclass_when_all_views_and_cursorAdapters_are_open

    set deleted on
    set decimals to 0 && this.pgf.pag1.spn

    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE pgf.wchtmlgen
    lparameters toHTMLgen AS awHTMLgen OF awHTML.prg, tlInnerHTML && awHTMLgen instance render container'
s inner HTML

    && Test only:
    && Attempt to arrange the page tabs vertically to the left
    && sample test URLs:
    && http://localhost/tutotest/index.tuto?alt
    && http://localhost/tutotest/wFormStandardPage.tuto?awForm=event.scx&alt

    local cJS as String

    text to cJS textmerge noshow flags 1
    if (FoxInCloud.localURL && window.location.href.endsWith('alt')){
      var ntop = 0;
      jQuery('#<<this.wcID>> pageTab').each(function(idx, tab){
        tab = jQuery(tab);
        tab.css({left: 0, top: ntop + 'px'});
        ntop += tab.height();


  PROCEDURE pgf.Init
    lparameters fake_parm_reminder_call_dodefault_after_your_subclass_code

    * Instead of setting changing properties in design mode, do it programmatically

    local aa[1], oCntl

    if aoClassCont(@m.aa, this.Pag1) > 0
      for each oCntl in m.aa
        wcPropSaveEdit(m.oCntl, 'Enabled,ReadOnly,Visible')


  PROCEDURE pgf.pag1.RightClick
    if m.thisForm.wlHTMLgen
      && test: .RightClick() does not fire browser's context menu when implemented in JavaScript
      return Textmerge([window.alert('<' + jQuery('#<%m.this.wcID%>').prop('tagName').toLowerCase() + ' id="<%m.this.wcID%>">\nwas right-clicked while\nbrowser\'s default context menu did not fire\n:-)');], .F., '<%', '%>')

  PROCEDURE chkhide.Valid
    && doc in Parent Code
    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    local aa[1], oCntl

    if aoClassCont(@m.aa, this.Parent) > 0
      for each oCntl in m.aa
        if ! m.oCntl = m.this
          m.oCntl.Visible = !Cast(this.Value as L)

  PROCEDURE chkro.Valid
    && doc in Parent Code
    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    local aa[1], oCntl, lRO

    if aoClassCont(@m.aa, this.Parent) > 0
      lRO = Cast(this.Value as L)
      for each oCntl in m.aa
        if !InList(m.oCntl, m.this, this.Parent.chkE) and lProperty(m.oCntl, 'ReadOnly')
          m.oCntl.ReadOnly = m.lRO && For combo box controls, the ReadOnly property cannot be set to true (.T.) when the Style property is set to 2 – Drop-down List

  PROCEDURE chke.Valid
    && doc in Parent Code
    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    local aa[1], oCntl

    if aoClassCont(@m.aa, this.Parent) > 0
      for each oCntl in m.aa
        if !InList(m.oCntl, this.Parent.chkE, this.Parent.chkRO)
          m.oCntl.Enabled = Cast(this.Value as L)

  PROCEDURE cbo2.Valid
    && doc in Parent Code

    if thisform.wlHTMLgen

    this.Parent.cbo0.Value = this.Value

  PROCEDURE txtdate.wchtmlgen
    LPARAMETERS toHTMLgen AS awHTMLgen OF awHTML.prg, tlInnerHTML && doc in Parent Code

    && solution to the problem raised by Mr Tuvia Vinitsky at URL below:

    && http://www.west-wind.com/wwThreads/ShowThreadMessages.wwt?ThreadId=4KB0KT88P

    && jQuery datepicker: allow the user to "blank out" or delete the date that is displayed and is the current value, and hide date picker

    local lcScript

    text to lcScript textmerge noshow flags 1 pretext 15
    jQuery(function(ev){ /* executes when DOM load is completed */
      jQuery('#<<this.wcID>>').keyup(function(e){ /* implement event using Prototype.js as jQueryUI seemingly drops any additional event handler registered using jQuery */
        if (e.which === 8 || e.which === 46){ /* backspace or delete */


  PROCEDURE txtdate.Init
    lparameters fake_parameter_reminder_class_should_instantiate_standalone_see_implementation_sample_in_awTxt_Init

    this.woDatePickerOptions = CreateObject('empty')
    AddProperty(this.woDatePickerOptions, 'sideBySide', .T.) && 2019-07-03 thn -- {FiC V 2.30.0-beta.1} https://support.west-wind.com/Thread5IN00PB65.wwt#5IN00PB66 & https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/Options/#sidebyside

    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE chkg.Init
    this.BackColor = Iif(thisForm.wBSlHTMLgen, Rgb(254,0,0), this.BackColor)

  PROCEDURE cbo0.Valid
    && doc in Parent Code

    if thisform.wlHTMLgen

    this.Parent.cbo2.Value = this.Value

  PROCEDURE cmg.Init
    if thisform.wBSlHTMLgen
      && 2020-01-29 thn test buttons are rendered as they appear
      local nTop
      nTop = this.cmd1.Top
      this.cmd1.Top = this.cmd2.Top
      this.cmd2.Top = m.nTop

    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE pgf.pag2.Activate
    lparameters uselessParm && doc in Parent Code

    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen
      return .F.

    && 2018-10-10 thn -- {FiC V 2.28.0-beta.9} testing page activation across pageframes
    * this.Parent.Parent.Parent.ActivePage = this.Parent.Parent.Parent.ActivePage + 1

  PROCEDURE txtdate.Init
    lparameters fake_parameter_reminder_class_should_instantiate_standalone_see_implementation_sample_in_awTxt_Init

    this.woDatePickerOptions = CreateObject('empty')
    AddProperty(this.woDatePickerOptions, 'sideBySide', .T.) && 2019-07-03 thn -- {FiC V 2.30.0-beta.1} https://support.west-wind.com/Thread5IN00PB65.wwt#5IN00PB66 & https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/Options/#sidebyside

    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE txtdate.wchtmlgen
    LPARAMETERS toHTMLgen AS awHTMLgen OF awHTML.prg, tlInnerHTML && doc in Parent Code

    && solution to the problem raised by Mr Tuvia Vinitsky at URL below:

    && http://www.west-wind.com/wwThreads/ShowThreadMessages.wwt?ThreadId=4KB0KT88P

    && jQuery datepicker: allow the user to "blank out" or delete the date that is displayed and is the current value, and hide date picker

    local lcScript

    text to lcScript textmerge noshow flags 1 pretext 15
    jQuery(function(ev){ /* executes when DOM load is completed */
      jQuery('#<<this.wcID>>').keyup(function(e){ /* implement event using Prototype.js as jQueryUI seemingly drops any additional event handler registered using jQuery */
        if (e.which === 8 || e.which === 46){ /* backspace or delete */


  PROCEDURE grd.wbeforerowchange
    lparameters tuRow
    return && BindEvent() seemingly ignores the value returned by delegates of methods (as opposed to events)

  PROCEDURE grd.wbeforecolchange
    LPARAMETERS nColIndex && doc in parent code
    return && BindEvent() seemingly ignores the value returned by delegates of methods (as opposed to events)

  PROCEDURE grd.waftercolchange
    LPARAMETERS nColIndex && doc in parent code
    return DoDefault(m.nColIndex)

  PROCEDURE grd.refresh_
    this.AllowCellSelection = Cast(this.Parent.chkACS.Value as L)

  PROCEDURE chkacs.Valid
    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    this.Parent.grd.AllowCellSelection = Cast(this.Value as L)

  PROCEDURE ficcmddelete.refresh_
    lparameters void_parameter_reminder_call_dodefault_in_your_sub_class_code


    this.Enabled = !(Bof(this.Parent.grd.RecordSource) or Eof(this.Parent.grd.RecordSource))

  PROCEDURE ficcmddelete.Click
    lparameters nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord && doc in Parent Code

    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    delete in (this.Parent.grd.RecordSource)

  PROCEDURE ficcmddelete.Init
    this.Caption = this.Caption_EN
    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE img.Click
    lparameters nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord && doc in Parent Code

    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen
      return DoDefault()

    this.BorderStyle = Iif(this.BorderStyle = 1, 0, 1)

    return DoDefault()

  PROCEDURE shpr.Click
    lparameters nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord && doc in Parent Code

    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    this.Top = this.Top *1.2
    this.Left = this.Left *1.2
    this.Width = this.Width *1.2
    this.Height = this.Height *1.2

  PROCEDURE chk.Valid
    lparameters Start_you_code_with__IF_thisForm_wlHTMLgen__RETURN_T_for_server__or__JavaScript_for_client__or__F_for_ignore__ENDIF && doc: modify class awchk of aw.vcx method valid or "view parent code" > awchk
    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    this.Parent.Parent.Pag2.Enabled = !Empty(this.Value)

  PROCEDURE lbla.Click
    lparameters nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord && nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord doc: modify class awlbl of aw.vcx method click or "view parent code" > awlbl

    if thisForm.wlHTMLgen

    thisForm.wMessageBox("Label Clicked !")

  PROCEDURE cmdclear.Click
    LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXcoord, nYcoord

    IF (TYPE('m.thisForm.wlHTMLgen') == 'L' AND m.thisForm.wlHTMLgen)

      && Send event to serveur synchronously, then clear contents of thisForm.TutoInfoBoxClient on the browser using Javascript
      && This is necessary because client JavaScript alters the contents of thisForm.TutoInfoBoxClient and,
      && as it's not aware of that, server does not detect a change, hence does not send a clear order.


      RETURN thisForm.wcScriptEventServerClient(;
         TEXTMERGE([jQuery('#<<wcID(m.thisForm.TutoInfoBoxClient)>>').val('');jQuery('#<<wcID(m.thisForm.lblTime)>>').html('');]); && JavaScript to execute
        , ; && data is needed (none in this case)
        ,.T.; && synchronous request to server: JavaScript execution is suspended until server response is received


    store '' to;
    , m.thisForm.tutoInfoBoxServer.VALUE;
    , m.thisForm.lblTime.Caption;

    DELETE FILE ('FICevent'+IIF(m.thisForm.wlWeb,'Web','Lan')+'.log')

  PROCEDURE cmdclear.Init
    this.Caption = wcIconFA('eraser') + this.Caption

*-- EndDefine: event_scx