Applications shared by the FoxInCloud community
Why share your projects stats with FoxInCloud adaptation assistant?
Some developpers analyzed their project with FoxInCloud adaptation assistant and shared their results on line.
Informations are collected anonymously with a single goal: inform FoxInCloud community and compare applications.
Thanks to these developpers for sharing information!
5,798 applications shared
Adaptation stats match the features of current FoxInCloud version
- Forms
- Files
- Classes
- Modules
- Instructions
- Adaptations
- % Instructions to adapt
- Estimated adaptation effort (man.days)
Average | Total | |
41 | 240,585 | |
59 | 347,450 | |
1,655 | 9,597,235 | |
2,485 | 14,411,239 | |
17,461 | **,***,*** | |
245 | 1,424,425 | |
======= 1.41 % ======= | ||
7.1 m.d | 40,897 m.d |